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May Hero of the Month: Tom Letson, LPC, LCADC

May Hero of the Month: Tom Letson, LPC, LCADC

May Hero of the Month: Tom Letson, LPC, LCADC Every month, we spotlight a counselor who has gone above and beyond for Uwill as our Hero of the Month. This month, we are delighted to recognize Tom Letson, LPC LCADC! Since Tom joined the Uwill team in May 2023, he has...
Student Wellbeing Efforts a Priority for Colleges

Student Wellbeing Efforts a Priority for Colleges

Student Wellbeing Efforts a Priority for Colleges Lake Superior State University (LSSU), a rural, public college located in Michigan’s upper peninsula, announced the launch of a new university-wide initiative designed to provide increased teletherapy and crisis...
Here’s How Bad Burnout Has Become at Work

Here’s How Bad Burnout Has Become at Work

Here’s How Bad Burnout Has Become at Work Lake Superior State University (LSSU), a rural, public college located in Michigan’s upper peninsula, announced the launch of a new university-wide initiative designed to provide increased teletherapy and crisis support....